Profile pagedongan

Pagedongan Head Office is located 5 kilometers from the Capital District Banjarnegara
with the boundary limits as follows:
East   : Highway Pagedongan
West  : SMPN 1 Pagedongan
North : SMPN 1 Pagedongan
South : Office of the Police Foundation Sector

Head Office Pagedongan land area is 3200 m2 and a building area is 508 m2.
Pagedongan District Office has 17 employees with the following details:
Group IV : 1 People
     Group III : 7 People
     Group II  : 4 People
     PTT         : 5 People
With job evaluation as follows:

     Echelon IIIa  : a man     (Head)
     Echelon IIIb  : 1 person (Sekcam)
     Echelon IVa  : 4 People (Kasi Trantib, Governance, KESRA, PMD)
     Echelon IVb : 2 person (Head of Planning and Finance, Head Public and Civil Service)
